Share stories, updates, and information to boost engagement

Connect the whole organization with the Feed on Blink

Blink newsfeed screenshots
Blink newsfeed screenshots

Everyone in one place

Bring the whole company together with a News Feed that's fun, familiar and easy-to-use. By replicating a social media-like experience, the Feed helps make frontline staff productive, trained and informed, reducing time spent on non-core tasks by up to 90%.

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Guarantee that your message lands

Transform how you deliver critical communications such as safety information. With the Feed, you can say goodbye to paper memos or 'playing telephone' to get important messages to every worker. Enjoy the peace of mind knowing your team sees content by making it a priority post — it doesn’t go away until they read and acknowledge it.

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a phone notification
Blink showing feed analytics

Measure and report on your reach

Stop guessing about whether your internal communications strategy is driving impact. Each post has built-in analytics so you can reliably analyze the reach of your internal messaging across your frontline teams and adjust your approach to keep growing your engagement.

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Reduce day-to-day complexity

Use the Feed to reduce the paper-based admin that stops your teams from being able to perform at their best.

Approve annual leave, sign-off a discount in Salesforce, acknowledge a high-priority alert, like a sales win, comment on a business update, or simply swipe to dismiss a notification.

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Screenshots of feed + reporting incidents

Featured and priority posts

Use Featured posts to boost high-priority news or celebrate success, ‘pinning’ your content for a set number of days.

Enjoy the peace of mind knowing your team sees content by making it a priority post — it doesn’t go away until they read and acknowledge it.

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Revolutionize your team with the Feed on Blink

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Meet safety KPIs

Make sure that no safety message ever gets missed again by using Mandatory Reads on the Feed

heard with two hands holding icon

Deliver recognition

Recognition means more when it's widely seen — share achievements on the Feed to amplify their impact


Fill every shift

Save supervisors from last-minute calling and texting to fill empty shifts by flagging them on the Feed

icon with two small squares and lines

Make leadership visible

Leadership at HQ are rarely visible to dispersed workers - the Feed changes that by bringing names, faces and regular updates straight to the frontline

icon of two people

Create a strong culture

Fostering culture in a deskless organization is challenging; use the Feed as a place to express company values and promote their adoption

See the whole team

Finally see and hear how your whole organization responds to news and information. Combine it with Blink's Surveys to get the visibility you need