Connect with a mobile workforce simply and safely

Give frontline employees access to everything they need — all while minimizing organizational risks.

Why IT teams love Blink

IT teams are tasked with ensuring frontline workers have a secure, scalable, affordable, and mobile-ready way to access information and systems — oftentimes without a corporate email address or company-provided device.

Blink gives the frontline everything they need to succeed in one convenient place. But frontline workers aren’t the only ones benefiting — IT teams love that Blink helps them solve some of their biggest organizational challenges:

An app that improves everything, from the frontline to the bottom line.

Blink’s digital front door approach means frontline workers have access to everything they need — secure chat with peers and managers, company updates in the News Feed, up-to-date information in the Content Hub, and integrated HRIS and IT tools — all in one app. 

This streamlined approach is a budget-friendly way to deliver digital transformation to the frontlines. With Blink, IT teams no longer have to bootstrap solutions for the frontline or suffer through waves of password resets requests for seldom-used tools. Plus, Blink elevates the tools you already have for the frontlines by increasing their adoption rates.

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An app anyone can use, anywhere
Built for iOS and Android mobile devices and desktops alike, Blink can keep frontline workers and management connected wherever the job goes.

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Increase adoption and usage for other tools
Deep integrations give workers context-rich notifications and direct links to many common tools, helping to drive up adoption without requiring extensive IT resources.

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Minimize interruptions when technology changes
Blink provides a consistent user experience even when the HRIS, payroll, or IT systems behind the scenes change, making onboarding new tech better for everyone.

Security and simplicity in perfect harmony

Even though Blink makes life simple for frontline workers, IT teams won’t sacrifice security. Blink handles all the authentication, including secondary biometric authentication, needed to keep company data secure on frontline worker’s personal devices. With flexible user permissions and rules to help automate user administration, Blink helps IT teams manage the frontlines confidently.

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Take single sign-on to the frontlines
Blink can act as the identity provider or use a third-party identity provider like Okta to deliver the simplicity of SAML 2.0 SSO to frontline workers.

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Automated user provisioning
Constant turnover makes it challenging to manage frontline users — but Blink automatically creates users and assigns permissions based on groups, job roles, location, and more. Or, integrate with Active Directory, G-Suite, or any SCIM Directory and manage Blink users there.

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Manage users and permissions effortlessly
With function fencing, IT teams can control the areas that frontline workers can access in integrated tools like ServiceNow and Workday.

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How the comms team at CDTA made life easier for IT with Blink

“We did not want more than half of the organization to not be able to have access to information first hand like the 200 employees who have access to computers and email everyday.”

- Jaime Kazlo, Director of Communications, CDTA

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