Create a workplace where frontline workers love to work

Discover the employee app that frontline workers will appreciate as much as you do.

Why HR teams choose Blink to transform frontline employee engagement

Frontline workers often work alone or in small groups and don’t have access to a company email or intranet. Without the usual resources or shared spaces, HR teams often struggle to connect meaningfully with frontline workers.

Blink’s mobile-first employee app is helping HR teams across the globe achieve many of their biggest organizational goals, such as:

Build an employer brand workers will love.

Every HR team strives to create a workplace full of happy employees. Blink makes it easy for HR teams to get frontline workers connected to each other and to the company’s values and mission. By bringing communication, collaboration, and a modern intranet into one employee super-app, HR teams that use Blink can tackle employee engagement better than ever before.

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Build a welcoming culture
Working out in the field doesn’t mean employees have to be out of the loop. Blink’s mobile-first app and easy-to-use interface makes it easy for everyone to stay up to date and participate in the fun, wherever the job takes them.

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Encourage community from day one
Frontline workers can effortlessly connect with other colleagues and locations they’d otherwise never see thanks to Blink’s social media-like news feed and group messages.

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Recognize meaningful moments
Give Kudos to the team for everyday excellence and recognize the meaningful milestones like birthdays, anniversaries, and retirements. 

Stay connected with the frontline

Whether your frontline organization is spread out across the country or across the globe, HR teams need to stay as close as possible to frontline workers. When workers feel disconnected from their workplace, engagement suffers and turnover increases. 

Blink is a trusted tool for HR teams trying to keep employees engaged and loyal. This starts with the onboarding experience, where frontline workers have a consistent experience for everything from critical policies and updates to access to common HRIS and IT tools. Plus, Blink ensures communication goes both ways, with an emphasis on feedback throughout, to give frontline workers a voice in the company.

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Build winning onboarding experience
Effortlessly create automated content pathways with Journeys to provide tailored, scalable onboarding experiences that help frontline workers learn, find support, and forge relationships from day one and beyond.

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Automated user provisioning
Constant turnover makes it challenging to manage frontline users — but Blink automatically creates users and assigns permissions based on groups, job roles, location, and more. Or, integrate with Active Directory, G-Suite, or any SCIM Directory and manage Blink users there.

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Manage users and permissions effortlessly
With function fencing, IT teams can control the areas that frontline workers can access in integrated tools like ServiceNow and Workday.

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Elevate HR initiatives and tools

HR teams are always striving to improve the processes and technologies that fuel the employee experience, but it can be hard to gauge the reach and impact of these initiatives when they roll out to the frontlines. 

Thanks to Blink’s “digital front door” approach, our app can help elevate other tools and initiatives you’re working on while also providing you the insights you need to improve the lives of employees everywhere in the organization.

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Unmatched frontline intelligence
Blinks visualized communication flows around your company, letting you see positive and negative team relationships and act accordingly. 

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Measure employee engagement
Get real-time insights into the reach, impressions, likes, comments, and link clicks of any post in the Feed directly within the app. Since anyone in the audience can see these engagement metrics, Blink provides a new level of transparency that email and paper printouts can’t match.

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Maximize the ROI of HRIS tools
You invested a lot in your HRIS tools to improve the employee experience; Blink’s deep integrations help you increase adoption and usage. With single sign-on, employees can directly access everything they need within Blink without having to manage multiple logins every time. 

How Stagecoach reduced employee turnover by 26% with Blink

“Blink made management approachable. It streamlines communication and gives staff the opportunity to talk to us meaning that we get a real feel for what they think.”

- Nathan Ward, Performance and Development Manager, Stagecoach

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