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The essential guide to executive buy-in for frontline employee experience

Aug 1, 2024
On demand
How to think like your C-Suite and lead the way on frontline EX transformation

Employee experience can be a real competitive advantage. Great employee experience (EX) leads to greater employee engagement — and that leads to greater productivity, profitability, stability, and more.

But we don't need to teach you the value of EX. If you're here and about to download this guide, you already know how essential and influential it can be.

You just need other senior leaders to see the value, too.

In this ultimate guide to executive buy-in for frontline employee experience transformation we cover:

  • How to get senior-level buy-in, budget, commitment, and energy for EX transformation by thinking the way they think

  • How to identify your most engaged allies and form a working group

  • How to define the opportunity and KPIs specific to your business (your current EX maturity versus a vision of success)

  • How to identify associated risks so that you can mitigate them

  • How to assess the tools and solutions you’ll need along the way

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